
Instagram Followers Count Tracker

Track the followers and following of any business/creator user on Instagram.

100% spreadsheet
Connected to your data
Daily+ refresh
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About Instagram Followers Count Tracker

What is a Instagram Follower Count Tracker

In the past few years, Instagram has become the go-to destination for companies and influencers to acquire visibility and strengthen their brand through high-potential visual content.

Follower bases are now synonyms for audiences and monitoring their growth over time is one of the key metrics to measure the effectiveness of this channel.

Despite being e a trivial task, checking follower count growth is often manual and time-consuming, as there is no intuitive way or free tool to do so in an automated way. This often leads people to manually record follower counts on a daily.

This template automates the process, allowing you to track Instagram follower growth efficiently with the ease and familiarity of a spreadsheet.

How to track your Instagram follower count

Follow these simple steps and start track instagram followers right away:

  • Simply enter the username of the Instagram account you want to track.
  • The SCHEDULE function will automatically refresh the data and add a new record to the Database table.
  • By default, data is updated every day at 8:00 AM UTC. You can change the refresh rate in cell B2 of the Setup table.

How many followers do I have on Instagram?

For users with over 10,000 followers, Instagram rounds the follower count, making it difficult to know the exact number. This gets particularly relevant for accounts with over hundreds of thousands, for which the round up may be very rough. This Follower Count Tracker allows you to monitor their exact follower and following numbers, track granular changes over time, and better understand your audience size.

How to see my competitors’ Instagram follower count

Checking your competitors' Instagram follower count with template is very simple: all you need to do is to just enter (any) Instagram username, and you’ll get the exact number of followers.

This template works with any business/creator account.

Why Tracking followers is important in Your Marketing Strategy

As a marketer, this free template to check Instagram follower count can be very helpful for a number of reasons:

Competitor Analysis:

  • It's important to know not only your follower count but also your competitors'.
  • This free template lets you easily check competitors' follower counts, helping you compare your performance and find areas to improve.

Measuring Growth and engagement:

  • Tracking your follower count over time helps you see if your content is engaging your target audience.
  • This free template makes it easy to monitor the follower growth over time and measure the overall quality of your content.

Influencer Marketing:

  • Influencer marketing is extremely popular on Instagram.
  • This free tool helps you check the follower counts of potential influencers quickly. This helps in evaluating their reach and popularity with your target audience, aiding in better decision-making for partnerships and campaign planning.

How it works

How it works

Get started

Click on 'Use template' and start using it right away. No forms, no signup. Your data first.

Connect your Instagram account

Once landed on the spreadsheet, follow the instructions to connect the required integration and pick your account

Customize the template and schedule refresh

Once the integration has been connected, all tables will update automatically with your own data. Click on 'Edit Source' to change the retrieved data and automate the data refresh. You can then insert a chart or a pivot table, add a column or personalize formats, using all the regular functions and shortcuts that make spreadsheets great.

Embed tables and charts

Click on the option menu to embed tables and chart on your Notion, Confluence or any other iframe-ready documents.

Use Template

Questions and answers

Can I use Rows for free?

Yes, Rows comes with a Free plan that includes unlimited spreadsheets and templates, unlimited workspace members, up to 10 guests and up to 50 integration tasks per month. Discover more about ourpricing plans.

More than an Instagram Followers Count Tracker

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